Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sport Sampler

Friday Charlie began his sport sampler class at the Issaquah community center. They sample soccer, basketball, and baseball. He goes with his buddies Aiden, Cooper, and Ava. I'm laughing that Charlie looks like he's 10 in these pictures.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


We have been on lockdown. ALL three of the kids came down with a cold this week. At least they all got it at the same time... looks like it's on it's way out. Consequently we haven't gotten out of the house much! Sadie is chunking up, as you can see, and she is seven weeks old this week. Time is flying! I'm having lots of fun with this camera...

First Haircut

Here is miss Avery with her first haircut! I'm a little late posting this... she got it cut last Friday. I'm in love! I always dreamed of a little brown eyed girl with a little bob, and here she is! She loves her gummy vitamins...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fair Weekend!

So Paul had been talking about going to the fair with the kids this year since July. I wasn't terribly keen on the idea thinking that it would be alot of work getting the whole family there, but we actually did pretty well! We managed to get there before the crowds hit, and it was really fun.
This was a huge moment for Charlie. We have made the mistake of putting him on a ride once before, and he was terrified and screamed his head off. This time, he said he wanted to try the "rocket" ride... and of course Avery is fearless... so we decided to give it a try! They both loved it. Paul had to peel Avery out of the seat, and Charlie is still talking about it.

Just thought this was a funny picture of Sadie... she is six weeks old and growing so fast!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Art Project

I love 3 o'clock. It's when Charlie comes home from preschool with a new art project three times a week! This one cracks me up. A painting of himself, with yarn for hair. Notice how he likes to "I don't know", and his favorite color is purple. Guess who taught him that.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

First Day of Preschool!

Yesterday was Charlie's first day of Preschool. He goes to a little school called Country Junction, and it is literally a little red school house. We've been anticipating this day for a long time... and Charlie was ready! Of course Avery thought she was going too, and had to have a new packback like her brother, because she has to have everything the same as him.
Despite what I had been warned about regarding the first day of school, Charlie had no hesitations! He ran right up the ramp into his classroom and never looked back. As Paul and I were walking back out to the car, he popped his head out the door and said "Where are you going?", to which we explained that we would be back in a couple hours... he blew us a kiss and that was it!
Sadie is five weeks old now... hard to believe. The time is passing so quickly! I've never been so keenly aware of the brevity of life as I watch these children literally grow before my eyes... and am continually challenged to enjoy every moment in realizing that they will only be this little for a short while. Soon enough I'll be wishing the time back!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Due Date!

Today is September 2nd... my due date! Ha! I can't imagine being pregnant still. This pic is from last week. The kiddo's are all doing well and loving their baby sister.