Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I am in love. Look at those eyes! Sadie is all smiles these days, and as you can see the hair keeps growing... She's 12 weeks old now, and around 11 pounds. She is a really easy baby, and we are having so much fun getting to know her!

Getting ready for Halloween...

The big day is approaching... the kids have enough Halloween festivities the next two days to last into next year! I'm afraid that by the time it's actually trick-or-treating time, they'll be sick of their costumes!


Is it just me, or do they not look anything alike?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch!

Despite Avery's face, the kids had a blast this weekend as we headed to the Fall City Pumpkin Patch. In fact, we had so much fun that we never actually made it into the pumpkin patch itself! The main area had chickens, cows, horses, hay mazes, and treats, so there was a ton of stuff to do. It was a beautiful day... the kind of day that makes me love fall, crisp, bright and sunny. We shared the fun day with our friends the Thompsons, Gardiners, and Gates's.
From left to right, Charlie, Taylor, Avery, Ava, and Brock.

This was taken last week... Grammie holding Sadie while cooking dinner

The pumpkin patch had their own little donut machine, and they made cinnamon donuts that were a big hit. They were also a good bargaining tool for getting the kids to sit still for a picture!

The mommies posing for a pic... My friends Danie and Elizabeth

And my favorite picture of the day... my little girl stopping to dig for gold. Such a lady!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Messin' Around

Boy am I loving this new little toy of mine. And I have such cute subjects to practice on!

Oh, the Hair!

Where did this baby come from? Her hair just keeps getting longer and sticking up taller as the days go by. It cracks me up that literally every time I am out with her, people ask me if I fix her hair that way. I can't get it to lay down flat! I try!