Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Random cute pictures from the last few weeks

It's been COLD outside!!!
Sadie dancing with her daddy...

Charlie and Avery being cute...

Sadie having her first food!

Note: get hair product for Sadie

Crescent Bar

Thius last weekend we had a chance to get away with our friends, the Myers. They have a place in Crescent Bar, and even in the middle of winter, it was so much fun to get away for a change of scenery. We made yummy breakfast every day, and Charlie got to have his first sleepover with his buddy Olivia.
We bundled up the kids and had the daddiesa take them to the hot tub. Avery was really excited to get in her swimsuit... nevermind that she absolutely hated the hot tub and Paul had to run her back up to the house.
Here thet all are bundled up for the hot tub. It was cold!!!

A day in the life of a preschooler...

I'm a little behind on my blogging, so here goes! Last week we were FINALLY able to celebrate Charlie's birthday with his preschool class. After rescheduling a few times due to snow and floods, the day had finally come. Avery got to come with us and hang out in the classroom for a little while and join the party. Charlie was so proud to introduce his little sister to all his friends.

Charlie got to wear a special crown for his birthday celebration.

The kids sat so well behaved at circle time. Avery loved Miss Leslie reading a book to the group, but got a little antsy. Her eyes were as big as saucers looking around at all the big kids!

Avery LOVES my little pony. At school they had an entire basket full of them so she was in heaven. We had such a fun day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

How are they related???!!!

These two pictures just happened to be next to eachother as I was uploading them. It is crazy how little alike these two girls are!

One of Avery's Christmas presents was this little pack of "play" makeup... which didn't realize was ACTUAL makeup, otherwise we would have never bought it. But boy, has she had fun making a mess with it! And she got to try her hand at her artistry skills on mommy. She wants to be just like me. :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Charlie's 4th Birthday!

Last Saturday December 27th, we celebrated Charlie's 4th Birthday. It's always a little wild just two days after Christmas, but this year I actually got my act together and planned a little party for him at Kidz Bounce. It was such a fun day! He got to play with all his little buddies and celebrate his big day with them.

Halfway through the festivities, Charlie and his buddy Benjamin were sliding together and Charlie somehow hurt his finger pretty badly. We have quite a collection of pictures documenting Charlie's sad little expressions... and as you can tell, Benjamin is quite concerned for him. I can't believe we actually managed to get ALL the kids who were there to pose for a group shot! The only one missing is little Sadie... she was sleeping in Grammie's arms.

We headed back home after the party to open presents and have lunch with the Grandparents. Later that evening, we took all the kids to see Despereaux and eat at Red Robin. Such a fun day for our big boy... and he's so proud to be four!