Thursday, February 5, 2009

6 Months Old

Yesterday was Sadie's 6 month birthday. You've heard it a million times, but it is so crazy how fast time goes with these little ones. I don't know if it's because we're so busy with them all that we don't have time to notice, or maybe it's just me getting older (yikes). What an intense season... but so joyful and amazing!

This little girl loves to blow raspberries. All day long. She is a very happy baby, and when she smiles really big, she crinkles her little nose. We're working on sitting up... and taking a bottle is still presenting challenges! She HATES them, cries and pushes it around in her mouth. So we are focusing on solids so that daddy and I can... hopefully... go on a date for Valentines Day next weekend! We are enjoying this little girl so much and we love that she is so different from her big sister. And the hair is still getting bigger!