Thursday, April 16, 2009


Okay, granted, my kids have snotty, skuffed noses and they look like ragamuffins... I had so much fun photographing them today! It was finally nice enough to go outside, and I was inspired to play around with my camera a bit. I am still a novice, but it is fun and daresay I may have a bit of a knack for it.

We met up at the park with our little friends Luke and Ava.

Fast foreward 13 years???....

There is never lack of expression with this one... hence she gets the most action

Maybe I could learn to use photoshop and edit out some of the dried snot on her face???

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Today was a fun day for our family. We started off pretty early, rousing the kids out of bed so they could have their Easter baskets and eat some cereal before heading off to church. Grammy and Papa met us at church, where the kids had an egg hunt after the service. They had so much fun! There were "Veggie Tales" characters there, and Avery was absolutely terrified! Needless to say the kids had entirely way too much sugar, but they had a great day. I think the Easter bunny is going to have to come back tonight and take some candy back to Easter bunny land...

Sadie spent most of the morning watching the fun from Grammy's arms... next year she will be old enough to join in the fun!
Charlie's little buddy, Maddy

I had some fun with my camera today. Sadie is quite the little subject!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Up and Running!

Okay Dana and Carol, this one's for you! I'm finally up and running after almost two months of no blogging! Sadie is now eight months old... here are pictures from just yesterday. Look for another post later this week with more of what we've been up to the last couple months!