Friday, May 22, 2009

Beat the Bridge!

This year I decided that before my 30th birthday (which is next week), I would run the "Beat the Bridge" race in Seattle. It's a 5 mile race that benefits Diabetes research, and the first two miles have to be run in under 20 minutes in order to "beat" the university bridge before it goes up. As it turns out, because of a logjam of people, we actually ended up having to run it in about 16 or 17 minutes, and I thought I was going to die! But Paul and I did end up making it just in time! I was so glad to have him to run with me to push me. It was a beautiful day, and it was so much fun. My girlfriends Dana and Jesse ran as well, we sort of vowed to do this race together since we are all celebrating turning 30 this month. They did well and I was so proud of them!

Stroller stride ladies ran too!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Just Cuteness

Sadie Rose is nine months old and just figured out how to crawl! I had forgotten that this is my favorite stage... I love seeing their little bottoms scooting around the floor! And she's so much happier now that she can get to the toys she wants. Now if this little pumpkin would just sleep through the night!!!!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crescent Bar

Last weekend we spent some time with the Myers family in Crescent Bar. We were seeking some sun! The weather there is typically much nicer than it is here. We did end up with one good day of sunbathing, and the kids were able to go to the pool and play in the sprinkler on the lawn.

Friday evening, as is custom every night in Crescent Bar, we took the kids to ice cream after dinner. The normal ice cream place was already closed for the night, but the owners of the swim shop let us in after hours and made the kids milkshakes. We ended up outside sitting on the stairs enjoying the sunset and a fun moment with the kids.

Charlie, Abby, Olivia, Sadie, and Avery. Charlie is getting used to being surrounded by the ladies! He doesn't seem to mind much. Abby is about six months older than Avery, and we think she might have a slight crush on Charlie.

These two are quite a pair...

We had so much fun and look forward to spending more time with our friends this spring and summer in the Eastern Washington sun!