Friday, July 31, 2009

Beating the Heat!

We've been enjoying the hottest summer in memory! Thankfully we have air conditioning in the house, so we have been able to come inside and cool off.
Benjamin and Shepherd
The other day, we had some heat "refugees" in our friends the Thomasons. It was fun spending time with them, and they were able to get away from their hot house for a while! This is baby Shepherd, who is three weeks older than Sadie.

This was the first time that Sadie and Shepherd have really interacted with eachother. We are excited for them to be great friends just like their older siblings Charlie and Ben. They LOVED splashing around in the baby pool.

Recently Paul and I attended a surprise 30th birthday party for a good friend and Canliss restaurant in Seattle. Since it was the same week as our anniversary, we used it as a good excuse to get dressed up and celebrate!
Here we are eight years ago.....

And this is how far we've come... celebrating our actual anniversary in pajamas and no makeup!! We had done plenty of celebrating for the last couple weeks, so we opted for a mellow night at home, with some Princess Torte, of course!

Charlie also attended his first Skyhawks camp last week... Basketball, Baseball, and Soccer. He had a great time with some of his neighborhood buddies, and mommy enjoyed having him entertained for a few hours each day!
The kids have also been in swim lessons for the past two weeks, and they are having a blast. I keep forgetting to bring the camera, so I'll do that next week and post pictures soon.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Backyard Summer Fun

On any given evening during the summer weeks, if it is warm outside, you can find us in the backyard. This is where we spend most of our time and make most of our summer memories. I am so enjoying the kids ages right now... Charlie and Avery LOVE entertaining their baby sister, and Sadie is thrilled to be in their company. So aside from meals and bedtime, my job is pretty easy!

Random fact: Paul's feet are size 16. Let's all pray Charlie doesn't follow suit!!!

LOVE this baby right now. She is so sweet and easy, and is developing quite a little sassy personality. We call her "scrappy". Don't call her little! She gets in the mix with her siblings as though she were every bit as big and agile as them. Just starting to stand for a few seconds on her own, she's definately independant and opinionated... and I found her going up the stairs yesterday! Time to put up the gates...
Sweet boy. Charlie is the best big brother ever. He is so helpful and patient, and truly loves playing with his sisters. It's so neat that they have built-in playmates!

Who could resist this?

Walla Walla

This last weekend Paul and I went to Walla Walla for the weekend to visit some friends and experience our first adventure in wine tasting. Jesse's family lives in Walla Walla, and her brother Jared has just opened his wine tasting room for his Revelry, which is his wine label. So he showed us around town, and we had a great time... even better because Grammy watched the kids for us!

Sitting out front of Revelry in front of the sprinklers... it was HOT!!!

Our spread for dinner at the Burns'... we made our own pizza's on the BBQ

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fourth of July!

It's been a long time since I've updated this! Not much to report, but we had a relaxing mellow fourth of July at home. We spent some time on the boat, bbq'd with family, and enjoyed just being together as a family!