The morning began with her smearing the entire contents of a jar of Vicks Vapo-rub all over herself. "Medicine, mommy".
Two hours later, during a mid-morning snack, I turned my back for two minutes, during which she smeared the entire contents of her container of strawberry yogurt all over the kitchen table, chairs, and floor.
At nap time, we had a 3 1/2 hour standoff. She thinks she doesn't need naps anymore. I think she is two. And she doesn't know what is good for her.
At 5 o'clock, otherwise known as "the witching hour", I found her sitting at the kitchen island, and she had dug out a solid shimmer palette with her fingernail and smashed it to smitherines all over the entire island, barstool, herself, and left a trail into the pantry where she was apparently looking for a snack. Shimmer everywhere. Hours to clean it up. Who knew you could have too much shimmer???
Does anyone else have days like these?