Thursday, November 27, 2008

Quote of the Day... Thanksgiving Edition

This morning, as the kids are watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade:

"Mommy, why not Kermit stay on that stick forever?"

(On the Muppet float, with Kermit the frog sitting on a fake log)


"Mommy, why can't Kermit get off the log?"

I guess we'll have to explain what a puppett is.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

More Cute

We've had a fun weekend. For once we had nothing on the calender... so we took advantage and have been catching up on some house projects before the Christmas season is upon us. Paul has most of this week off for Thanksgiving, so we are looking forward to some family time and our yearly tree farm outing on Friday! I love this time of year... I have such great memories of being pregnant with Charlie, just having Avery, and now this new little munchkin has joined our clan. This Christmas season is going to be one to remember!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Turkey Trot

Today I ran my first 5k!

It sounds really ambitious, but it is actually only 3.1 miles. Still, it's the most I've ever run! I finished in 34minutes. A bunch of girls from Stroller Strides started running together this summer (joined by some girls from the neighborhood), and as a group decided to do 5k's periodically. This race was in our neighborhood, the first annual Turkey Trot benefitting the local elementary schools. I figured what better way to get back in shape than to get on the wagon!

These are all my friends from the neighborhood that ran. Paul was the only hubby who got dragged along by his wife! From left to right, Vicki (this was her 1st 5k), Andrea, Megan, Stephanie and Elizabeth (who, by the way, ran the race in 25 minutes!), myself, Paul, and Mollie (who ran pushing her 4 and 2 year olds in the stroller... incredible!) We had so much fun, and it was such a beautiful fall day. Now on to the Jingle Bell Dash in December where I will attempt to beat my time!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Two Years Ago Today...

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Today is a very special day as we celebrate Avery Lola's 2nd birthday. About this time two years ago, avery was just an hour old, after the easiest delivery in history. I woke up at 5am and drove myself to the hospital, thinking that I would be sent back home for false labor... but sure enough my water had broken. A couple hours and two pushes later, my first baby girl made her debut into the world at 8lbs, 8oz!
And now, two years later, we have two baby girls! Today reminds me that Avery really is still a baby in many ways. But she is so grown up as well! She talks SO much, loves to sing and read books, and LOVES her big brother Charlie. She will do anything he tells her to, and wants to be just like him.
Her big brown eyes and dimples melt me every day. I love that she and Sadie are so different, and I love watching her develop into her own little personality, unique and special. I never thought I could love three little people each so differently, yet so much the same. We have truly been so blessed to be entrusted with this important responsibility of shaping and molding these little people, and watching them grow is the great joy of my life!

PS... if this is any indication of the highschool years....
Taylor, Ava, Charlie, Lauren, Mady, and Olivia

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Finally, the night the kids have been waiting for for months! Charlie and Avery tried their hand at Trick-or-Treating last night. Charlie is Buzz Lightyear, and Avery is a "pri-cess". They had so much fun, and by the end of the night my face hurt from laughing and smiling at them.
Mommy got to put makeup on Avery for the first time! A good princess has to have a little shimmer...
Poor Sadie got stuffed into this Peakock bunting for a photo op. She stayed home with Grammy and Papa and helped answer the door.

Wouldn't you know... Charlie and his two best boy buddies, Brock and Benjamin, all dressed as Buzz Lightyear without even knowing!