Thursday, April 16, 2009


Okay, granted, my kids have snotty, skuffed noses and they look like ragamuffins... I had so much fun photographing them today! It was finally nice enough to go outside, and I was inspired to play around with my camera a bit. I am still a novice, but it is fun and daresay I may have a bit of a knack for it.

We met up at the park with our little friends Luke and Ava.

Fast foreward 13 years???....

There is never lack of expression with this one... hence she gets the most action

Maybe I could learn to use photoshop and edit out some of the dried snot on her face???


Elizabeth said...

BEAUTIFUL PICS! I would say it is VERY SAFE to say you have a knack for the photography thing! Wow. And I didn't even notice the snot ;-)

Love love love the one of Charlie holding the shark........ holy crap! And of course all the ones of my kiddos and Char & Ava. Precious. Fun playing with you guys!

kkp1220 said...

Seriously, those are such good pictures. why can't I do that?
Are you shooting in auto or manual mode? What setting? What camera do you have??