Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Santa Train!

This was our second year on the Santa Train as a fun family tradition... although we did skip last year because Sadie was still so small. The kids had a great time, and Grammy, Papa, and Uncle Craig joined in the fun! Grammy is Avery's favorite person in the world. I think maybe Avery is just a little mis understood, and Grammy really gets her!
Sadie has a baby crush on Uncle Craig. Whenever he is around, she wants him to hold her, or she will crawl up on his lap. She basically hung onto him the whole morning! I think he secretly loves it.
Charlie was ecstatic... this is the first year that he REALLY gets Christmas.
Cookies and Cocoa on the train...

Grammy and Papa
Bunnies go everywhere with Avery...
Isn't this the strangest Santa you've ever seen? If I were a kid I would be frightened.

1 comment:

kkp1220 said...

All your kids are adorable, but that baby of yours is so stinken cute;-0