Sunday, July 4, 2010

Backyard Play Toy!

Growing up, we always had a swingset in the back yard. Grammie has been talking for almost a year about how she wanted to get the kids a swingset. So finally a few weeks ago, we headed out to a place to pick one out. They called me pretty quickly to set up the delivery, so we were very excited! The day it was delivered, it was a Tuesday. It was going to take the entire day to install it, but the kids waited, looking at the kitchen for literally three hours, watching the workers install the playtoy before they realized it was going to be quite some time before it was finished. I've never witnessed such anticipation!! It was worth the wait. They are entertained for hours... Avery would swing ALL DAY if someone would just push her. The next challenge is to teach these kids to pump their legs so that we don't need to stand there and push them. Sadie climbs up and down the treehouse like it's no big deal. And all the neighborhood kids have made their home in my yard. But that is okay with me! Thankyou to Grammie... we are so blessed!

1 comment:

kkp1220 said...

They will LOVE it!!