Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Birthday Weekend in Crescent Bar

We just returned home from a fun Memorial Day/Birthday weekend in Crescent Bar. We had a great time just hanging out with eachother and enjoying a little sunshine. The kids got me the sweetest gifts... the other weekend while I was away Paul took them to a "Paint Away" place where they made me my own coffee cup, cheese platter, and jewelry dish. Mom and Paul figured out how to get my favorite cake ever to Crescent Bar, which made me very happy!

Paul having a moment....

Sadie in her snowman pajamas.... most days she refuses to take her pajamas off to get dressed, and it's a battle I just don't fight :) I figure one day I will look back and laugh!

After uploading these photos to my computer, I discovered that Charlie figured out how to use my camera... he took ALOT of pictures of his buddies Abby and Olivia, as well as some fun scenery shots :) A budding photographer ;)

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