So obviously I am a month (at least) behind. But that is my life these days! In any event, we celebrated Sadie Rose's Second Birthday last month on August 4th. It was a wonderful day! She is getting so big. We were beginning to get concerned that she wasn't talking all that much... but come her birthday, the talking began! And there is absolutely nothing she can't say or comprehend. She is like a little parrott. She is such a little love... she makes people smile everywhere we go. I absolutely delight in her little laugh. She has such a sweet and fun energy. And she is still so light and little that I still carry her on my hip everywhere I go as though she was still a baby! She loves her brother and sister, and greets them heartily every time she sees them. "HI SISSY! HI CHAHDIE!" She is delicious and I could not imagine our lives without our little Rosie!

We started the day having coffee with our good friend Erika and her little girl Jordyn. Since their family moved back to Seattle from Phoenix this summer, Sadie and Jordyn have begun a little friendship. Sadie calls her "JoJo fend" (JoJo friend).

Then we headed off to U Village for lunch with daddy and a visit to the toy store.