Thursday, August 28, 2008

Coming Up for Air... Week Three

Charlie and Benjamin, Avery and Charlie at Grammy and Papa's house, Sadie three weeks old

Highlights from the last week:
1. Today I discovered that among my many talents, I can also nurse while cooking macaroni and cheese.

2. Last night Avery fell on her chin and bit right through her lower lip.

3. I am considering buying a fancy camera off of my brother, and have been experimenting with it for the last couple of days.

4. Paul went back to work on Monday.

Otherwise, all is well in at the Merritt household. A little crazy... but we'll get there! Here are some fun pics from the last week.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Can I vote? BUY THE CAMERA! That picture of Charlie and Ben is INSANE!!! LOVE IT!!!