Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby Girl!

Today is a very special day as we celebrate Avery Lola's 2nd birthday. About this time two years ago, avery was just an hour old, after the easiest delivery in history. I woke up at 5am and drove myself to the hospital, thinking that I would be sent back home for false labor... but sure enough my water had broken. A couple hours and two pushes later, my first baby girl made her debut into the world at 8lbs, 8oz!
And now, two years later, we have two baby girls! Today reminds me that Avery really is still a baby in many ways. But she is so grown up as well! She talks SO much, loves to sing and read books, and LOVES her big brother Charlie. She will do anything he tells her to, and wants to be just like him.
Her big brown eyes and dimples melt me every day. I love that she and Sadie are so different, and I love watching her develop into her own little personality, unique and special. I never thought I could love three little people each so differently, yet so much the same. We have truly been so blessed to be entrusted with this important responsibility of shaping and molding these little people, and watching them grow is the great joy of my life!

PS... if this is any indication of the highschool years....
Taylor, Ava, Charlie, Lauren, Mady, and Olivia


Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday, little Avery!

The Twohy Family said...

What a great story and great pictures! I like that our guest bed made it in the mix. :)