Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sometimes I want to eat my kids

This is my whiteboard in my room. I tally each day I'm here. As you can see, it's day 18. Charlie enjoys displaying his blossoming artistic talent daily.

Avery looked so cute today my heart almost burst. It seems like they are both growing so fast since I don't see them every day all day. As you can see, she already has fine taste in makeup. Stila vanilla lip glaze is her favorite.

Charlie just got a new haircut yesterday. He always goes to Dooz salon for kids on Mercer Island with his buddy Benjamin (or "B")
Avery is so engrossed with my makeup that she can't even pose for a pic.

Seriously. Love. Her.

I almost forgot!! The best part of the day... I'm officially on the schedule for next week! Tuesday, August 5th at 12:30! We'll do an amnio on Monday to be sure baby's lungs are mature, and assuming they will be, I should be home with baby in tow next week.
Also had a clear view of the Blue Angels out my window today... Charlie was thrilled. He is going to go down to Genessee Park with Daddy and Papa tomorrow to check out the hydros and watch the Blues. Fun!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

That's all folks...

Well..... the baby did not turn :(

BUT, it will be here next week!

Dr. Van Kessel worked really hard, for about 15 minutes, but the baby just wouldn't move. She thinks it's head is too big... for whatever reason, it's there to stay! I'm really grateful to her for trying. She typically doesn't do versions, so this was her really putting herself out there for me. And I'm okay with it... not sad... it just isn't meant to be. Anyway, we're going to do an amnio on Monday, and if the lungs are mature, we'll proceed with a c-section on Tuesday. I'm ready to shift my focus to finally getting to meet this new baby... and with any luck will be home with my family by next weekend.

Thankyou all for your good thoughts and prayers!

Oh, something cool... my nurse today happens to be Kendra, who was my L&D nurse with Avery. She is amazing, AND she's going to be my nurse for the delivery next week. I'll have to be sure and get a pic.

Stay Tuned...

For those of you keeping up the the happenings of this contrary little baby... Our version is scheduled for today at 12:30pm! Please keep your fingers crossed for us, and I will be sure to update later this afternoon. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What day is it???

I'm losing track. Nothing exciting to report... but here are some pics from this morning.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Turning the baby on Wednesday!!!

I'm so excited I couldn't even wait... I just met with Dr. Van Kessel, and she says she wants to try and turn the baby on Wednesday!!! And then if it works, and the ultrasound on Thursday shows that it has worked and that the baby will stay that way, then I can go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's alot of "if's", but I'll take my chances!
For those of you who are pray-ers... please join me in believing for this to work.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 11

Only eleven more to go!

I think my muscles are starting to atrophy. This morning I took a shower and got out of breath. And my tan from Crescent Bar is fading.

But here's the good news... the ultrasound today reported that the baby is checking in at nearly 5 1/2 pounds, has TONS of hair, and Charlie's nose. We're so excited that we'll get to meet this little person soon! It still hasn't turned yet, but we're not loosing faith! A cervical check yesterday showed that I am still continuing to dilate... about 3cm and 90% effaced... so it looks like we're not getting out of here without a new addition to our family.

The kiddos are doing really well, they play really well when they're here, and they are behaving well for Grammy. Paul is really tired, but the overwhelming support of friends continues... people bringing dinners for them, treating me to coffee's, books, etc... we are so thankful! We're beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Let's move this thing along!

Today I visited with Dr. Van Kessel... It's time to pull out all the stops! As soon as this baby turns, I can go home! If the baby hasn't turned by 36 weeks, they will try and turn him/her my a manual version. If that takes, I can go home. If not, we'll do a c-section. Either way... hopefully only two more weeks. I'm scheduled for another ultrasound with Dr. Kase on Thursday to check the position and growth of the baby. So that's the latest...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Today Paul and I celebrate our 7 year wedding anniversary. We always celebrate in style, and this year was no exception! We're definately making memories. Last night the two of us dined on Cheesecake Factory to go, and continued our tradition of ordering a mini princesse torte from Hoffmans bakery in Kirkland, the same cake we had for our wedding. We watched a movie, and although he was tempted to stay and enjoy a comfortable nights' sleep on a guest cot, Paul ended up heading home after the festivities. Today he brought the kids over for most of the day... We even set up the pack and play in the bathroom and Avery took a nap while we relaxed with Charlie. The nurses were amused! Paul figured out how to set the auto-timer on the camera and we got this shot before they left.

Another highlight of this weekend... My nurse allowed Paul to wheel me outside for some fresh air! Super exciting. You don't appreciate a luxury so simple as going outside until you haven't breathed anything but stale hospital air for six days! Also, Autumn surprised me and stopped by with brand new baby Sheperd! I was shocked to see her... he was just born on Thursday. They are both doing so well, and holding him got mereally excited to meet our new little person. I needed some perspective... this is definately getting harder as I'm beginning to really miss home and my family.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Action Packed Day

Today was busy! Lots of visitors... I feel totally humbled and spoiled by the generosity and thoughtfulness of our friends. We are so blessed! I think I have enough reading material to last the next year, every magazine in publication for the month of July, and more support than could have imagined. Thanks everyone for all the love you're sending our direction! This is definately tough, but I just take one look at these two brown eyed, dimpled smiling little people and I am reminded that this will be more than worth it!

I had an ultrasound with Dr. Kase this morning, and we had some really encouraging things. First, that the baby is growing very well... measuring around the 50% percentile, and around 5 pounds! Also, the doctor didn't see any medical reason that the baby should not be able to turn to the head down position (or be turned)... no abnormally shaped uterus, no chord in the way, etc... the baby is just really comfortable there. So I'm going to continue believing that this baby is going to turn on it's own so that I can go home and carry to term!!!

Thanks again to everyone who has blessed me this week... I am so grateful!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Room with a View

Here it is folks, the best view in town! Today was another exciting day on the 6th floor... Kristin visited this morning with coffee in hand, the kids and mom came shortly after, and Paul joined for a little while after a lunch appointment.

Sofia brought a fantastic dinner from whole foods along with an assortment of smutty magazines :), and four different desserts! Thanks girl! Also, I took a shower this morning... so exciting. But the best part of the day is that baby Thomason was born this afternoon! Too bad Auti delivered at Evergreen, or I could have wheeled myself over to her room to join the celebration. So excited to meet the little guy!

I have an ultrasound with Dr. Kase tomorrow to measure the baby and hopefully find out some more specifics of our situation, so I will post an update tomorrow.

See Craig... I do know how to blog!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

4th of July!

Charlie and Avery at Crescent Bar on the Fourth of July

Going to Jail

Here's me and my big belly yesterday before checking into the hospital. I wasn't very happy, but you've got to document everything!

The W Hotel

Well friends, welcome to my new home. For at least 3 or 4 more weeks. As you can see, the Heavenly Bed is spacious and comfortable, room for the whole family. The view is unmatched... more hospital buildings and a little bit of green. Actually there is a full moon right now... my nurse says this is the reason there are three of us pre-termers in the house right now. I am 33 weeks today... in three weeks frome today we might be delivering our newest family member!