Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Room with a View

Here it is folks, the best view in town! Today was another exciting day on the 6th floor... Kristin visited this morning with coffee in hand, the kids and mom came shortly after, and Paul joined for a little while after a lunch appointment.

Sofia brought a fantastic dinner from whole foods along with an assortment of smutty magazines :), and four different desserts! Thanks girl! Also, I took a shower this morning... so exciting. But the best part of the day is that baby Thomason was born this afternoon! Too bad Auti delivered at Evergreen, or I could have wheeled myself over to her room to join the celebration. So excited to meet the little guy!

I have an ultrasound with Dr. Kase tomorrow to measure the baby and hopefully find out some more specifics of our situation, so I will post an update tomorrow.

See Craig... I do know how to blog!



Jen Benthin said...

Girl! This is awesome. I am loving the updates and pictures. I got your text. It is amazing to see God at work in all circumstances.
I will give you a call today!!!!

Jamie Rose said...

Well I wouldn't believe jail could be such a happy and smiley place! You are glowing and really look great girl! You must be a pretty great mom...not one of your kids can stick out the wait time to meet you!!! Keep up on the trashy magazines and celeb smut...I will be quizzing you soon! I love your blog and will check back on you soon... Take care Sweetie!