Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 11

Only eleven more to go!

I think my muscles are starting to atrophy. This morning I took a shower and got out of breath. And my tan from Crescent Bar is fading.

But here's the good news... the ultrasound today reported that the baby is checking in at nearly 5 1/2 pounds, has TONS of hair, and Charlie's nose. We're so excited that we'll get to meet this little person soon! It still hasn't turned yet, but we're not loosing faith! A cervical check yesterday showed that I am still continuing to dilate... about 3cm and 90% effaced... so it looks like we're not getting out of here without a new addition to our family.

The kiddos are doing really well, they play really well when they're here, and they are behaving well for Grammy. Paul is really tired, but the overwhelming support of friends continues... people bringing dinners for them, treating me to coffee's, books, etc... we are so thankful! We're beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

The cartoon is too perfect! I laughed outloud! You are getting good at this blogging thing! Hang in there. Love you and will come visit you tomorrow! xoxo.