Tuesday, August 12, 2008

One Week Old!

Today Sadie got her first bath. We've been holding off because of her size, it's hard for her to stay warm. But a girls got to smell good! she looks so tiny in our kitchen sink! Paul loves drying her hair and styling it after it;s been washed. It gets so fluffy, she has a little fro!
Looking a little tired. Sadie dropped some weight and she is now 5.9... so we are feeding every 2-3 hours around the clock. Which wouldn't be so bad if she would wake up for her feedings and stay awake until she finishes! Soon enough all she'll want to do is eat if she's anything like her siblings.
Avery is apparently potty training. And feels it necessary to consume an entire roll of toilet paper in one sitting. She seems like such a big girl to me now, it's hard to remember that she is still a baby herself. She and Sadie are only 21 months apart!



kkp1220 said...

she is too cute. you forget how little they are;-) They grow up so fast. Hope you are doing well

Elizabeth said...

I don't even understand how petite and adorable that little girls is! Wait a minute... are those LMC clippies in your girls' hair? :-)