Thursday, July 17, 2008

Action Packed Day

Today was busy! Lots of visitors... I feel totally humbled and spoiled by the generosity and thoughtfulness of our friends. We are so blessed! I think I have enough reading material to last the next year, every magazine in publication for the month of July, and more support than could have imagined. Thanks everyone for all the love you're sending our direction! This is definately tough, but I just take one look at these two brown eyed, dimpled smiling little people and I am reminded that this will be more than worth it!

I had an ultrasound with Dr. Kase this morning, and we had some really encouraging things. First, that the baby is growing very well... measuring around the 50% percentile, and around 5 pounds! Also, the doctor didn't see any medical reason that the baby should not be able to turn to the head down position (or be turned)... no abnormally shaped uterus, no chord in the way, etc... the baby is just really comfortable there. So I'm going to continue believing that this baby is going to turn on it's own so that I can go home and carry to term!!!

Thanks again to everyone who has blessed me this week... I am so grateful!


Elizabeth said...

SOOOOOOOOOOO happy to hear that news!!! Yeah! Also glad you are getting lots of visitors and keeping up with all the hollywood gossip... you can fill me in when I return from AZ! Miss you and see you Monday!!! xoxo.

Kennesha "Kay" Buycks said...

Hey Lady!
Okay, so this is the coolest way to keep in touch and let everyone know day-by-day, play-by-play what's going on with you guys...miss you so much already! I will try and call before the week is out (next week)...wish we could be there to help out but since I can't be here's a cup of virtual coffee, chocolate and a good that? Okay, love ya! Muah! Praying for you...

About Sweet Pea Photography & Design said...

Can't wait to see you mama! We missed you SO much at the party yesterday, but hopefully you got the treats I sent with Paul. We are gonna try and hop over during nap time today since my mom can watch the kiddos. xoxoxo